

>China’s FAST telescope reveals new details of Milky Way



An aerial view of FAST. [Photo/Xinhua]

Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), or the “China Sky Eye,” Chinese scientists revealed unprecedented details of the Galactic interstellar medium.我国科学家日前利用“中国天眼”FAST揭示了银河系星际介质前所未见的高清细节,对研究银河系内的星际生态循环具有重要意义。

Led by Han Jinlin, a scientist from the National Astronomical Observatories of China, the research team published their new findings Saturday in the latest journal Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy.该研究由中国科学院国家天文台研究员韩金林领导的科研团队完成,系列论文10日在学术期刊《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》作为特别专题发表。

According to Han, during the sensitive survey for pulsars using FAST, the spectral line data of the interstellar medium was recorded simultaneously. Though the fine calibration is still underway, the results available are already the most sensitive for detecting neutral hydrogen gas clouds to date, showing unprecedented details about the distribution of neutral hydrogen gas.


“The sensitive FAST observations can reveal unprecedented details of the Milky Way,” said Jing Yipeng, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. “The databases of neutral hydrogen and ionized hydrogen published by these papers are valuable resources for astronomers all over the world,” Jing added.


>Delivery robots form orderly queue at traffic lights in Cambridge




New machines introduced to Cambridge to deliver shopping to residents without the expense and congestion of courier vans appear to be encountering the same mundane daily problems as humans.


The robots have been spotted forming long queues to cross busy roads, waiting for pedestrian crossings to turn green and even asking human passers-by for help.


In some cases, the robots, introduced into the city in recent weeks, have been seen swerving to one side to avoid growling dogs or the tiny fingers of curious children.


Starship Technologies launched the trial operation last month on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council, despite green campaigners saying the plan would not work on the city’s already congested streets and sidewalks.


The trial is also set to take place in parts of Leeds, with 20,000 residents being able to order their groceries from nearby co-op stores.


Orders are made through the Starship food-delivery app, with groceries picked by staff at co-op stores.


Delivery can be scheduled within as little as one hour and, on arrival, users are sent an alert and can unlock the robot’s carrier to access their shopping.


Residents have reported several waiting at pedestrian crossings, with some complaining they are cluttering up the sidewalk and causing congestion.


“They form lines and go back to their charging base together sometimes, and you see them waiting patiently to cross the road,” Gary, a software engineer, told the Telegraph. “I’ve also seen them start to cross the road, but then get half way across and the lights go red, and they reverse and go back again.”


Emma Perry was walking home on Friday morning when her dog Tally lunged at one of the passing robots.


“I think they’re quite cool really, but my dog doesn’t really like them that much and barks at them. Someone told me they will stop and wait for you to get out of their way if you are standing in front of them,” she said.


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